
Homework Name & Addresses

Hi!! long time no see...
i am not good at PC. so, i sometimes cant write blogs well :(

1.Are feelings, emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?

I think 'yes'. but i think also its difficult.
I think it is easy to tell some feelings like happy, sad or something. Because we can explain such feelings with our smail or tears.
'mukatuku' is hard to say in English. I think 'mukatuku' is not so serious.
Japanese has many expressions or words which are has dubious (曖昧な)meanings.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum) Then, write the English translation.

-楽しい         Happy
-悲しい         Sad
-嬉しい         pleased/happy
-わくわくする      excited
-いらいらする     irritate
-おもしろい      fun
-どきどきする     Beat
-退屈する       bored
-がっかりする depressed
-だるい         lazy/tired
-緊張する       nervous

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?

i think 'mukatuku' is a littel diffrent just 'angry'.
'Otsukaresama' is hard to translated into English.

4 件のコメント:

  1. I haven't thought of どきどきする→Beat.
    It is nice expression!

  2. I am very sorry but I have misplaced the sign-up sheet with the volunteers names and email addresses on it. If you signed up to make potato salad, set-up, cook/serve food, or clean up, please leave me a comment!

  3. I agree with you.
    we cannot find exactly right words to translate Japanese feelings.

  4. Hi!!
    Oh I could not find the best word for "otukaresama" in English.
    Some words can explain with sentences in English, but I can not think of the expression of "otukaresama"...
    let see....
    I think "otukaresama" the word for the person who really do well or who is tired.
    what do you think about it? do you have a good expression of "otukaresama" ?

