
Happy NEW year!! & Table Manners

1. Have you ever eaten in a restaurant in foreign country?

2.Where did you eat?
-In England, Korea, Australia...and so on!

3.What did you eat?
-I ate Itarian food, Korean food...etc

4.Did you make any mistakes?
-I hope I didnt...

5.Did you learn anything?
-Japanese restaurants are delicious for have me!!!

8 件のコメント:

  1. hello!

    tabble manners are different at each countries, so I pay attention too much about table manner, and cannot relax..haha

  2. having meal should be fun, so i think we do not have to care about table manner so much. but it should be within the bounds of common sense..

  3. Hi
    I envy you because I have never been to Korea.
    so I want to eat Korean food.
    but I have eaten Mexican food in USA.

  4. Hi!
    This question is very difficult.
    I never go to high class resutrunt...

  5. Hi!
    Also, I have ever eaten Korean food.
    It is hot, but it is delicious!

  6. Table manner is interesting each country.
    My ammerican friend said me "I cannot belive that you make noise when you're eating noodles!"
    it is good manner in Japan, while it's not in USA. That's interesting, isn't it!?

  7. Hello!
    I think the table manners is different by a country.The table manners is difficult for me;(

  8. You went to a lot of countries. Great.
    I also like Japanese food the most!!

